A Phased Approach

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We understand that communities wish to grow at a sustainable and proportionate rate to ensure their character is retained and new affordable homes are prioritised for those who have a local connection.

Delivering larger sites in one phase will only deliver for the needs of today without thought to the needs of the future generations to come and those entering older age.

Communities can future proof development in their communities allocating larger sites for development, which are then planned and delivered in a number of phases over an agreed period of time providing for the needs of today and those in say 10-years time. This ensures communities get the right type of housing now and in the near future and provides flexibility.

For example, a teenager of 16-years old who has grown up in a small community will unlikely be in a position to buy currently, but given 5-8 years their situation will change dramatically. They may go to University and then move back to take up a career and possibly meet a partner who they then wish to buy a home with. Many of this generation are unable to return to their communities due to high house prices and lack of suitable affordable homes. If a larger site was delivered in phases then they would have the opportunity to move back to their community close to family in a later phase. Additionally, they would still meet the local connection criteria and receive priority.

Understanding the demographics of the community will help shape the type, style and tenure of the various phases of delivery and safe-guard against disproportionate rural expansion and sprawl.

Future delivery can be protected by the local authority having the rights of pre-emption and thereby securing their interest and that of the community in ensuring completion of the development.